Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Chicken & Dumplings

Tuesday had several highlights.

Mike was sitting quietly at the foot of his bed in the wheelchair when I arrived. No Mr. Omm until I broke the silence. I really felt like Mike was trying to say something to me, but all that would come out was Mr. Omm. I cannot imagine how frustrating that is for him. He sort of tried to help shave, but only put the electric shaver to his chin. He seemed a bit agitated and restless - legs jiggling, shifting in the chair, rubbing his head.

OT came in and tried getting him to stand and transfer to the toilet. He did fairly well, with help. As we were getting him back into his chair, I wanted to check the boil on his back that I had noticed on Friday. The doctor started antibiotics on Monday because it was an angry red, swollen, and oozing. It looked worse on Tuesday, mainly because it is now open, oozing more, and really red. No wonder he's restless, that has to hurt. After a bandage change, Bill went in search of a cushion to put behind his back and hopefully that made it more comfortable.

Mike used his feet and motored himself all the way to the dining hall! I just provided direction and tried to keep him out of the middle of the hallway. Lunch looked and smelled yummy. We did as before, I got him started, then he took over and fed himself. Chicken & dumplings was the main course and he had 2 helpings of that. I'm not sure she was supposed to, but one of the kitchen workers was asking the staff who wanted a plate and she asked me if I'd like some too and I said "sure!" It was delicious! I didn't even think I liked dumplings, but the sauce was very flavorful. What a treat!

Mike still seemed anxious to me, so I asked his nurse if he could have more Tylenol. She gave him some and then the PT, Lynn, came along with her aide and Mike walked about 145 feet! Unlike Friday when he kept wanting to sit down every little bit, Tuesday he wanted to keep walking and Lynn had to make him sit down a couple of times when his leg started quivering. That might have also been some of his agitation - he was tired of sitting and wanted to be up and moving around. He is motivated and that's good to see, but he was obviously getting tired. As they went to put him in bed, I left for the care team meeting.

Right away, they asked me how everything was going from my perspective and if I wanted Mike to stay there long-term. Absolutely! OK, after our meeting you can speak with our financial director. Thank you, Lord! Insurance has approved another week, but since Mike is almost back to where he was pre-fall, it may be the last week that they will approve. Speech Therapy had to discharge him as of Monday, because other than upgrading his food from puree to soft, there was no further progress. The really great news is that even though insurance will stop eventually, PT and maybe OT won't! It will not be as often or long, but still 5-6 times a week, which is fantastic. I think they called it recovery therapy and I am so grateful for this.

I had written up 2 pages of notes about Mike that I hope will be helpful to the staff as they get to know him and work with him. The therapy director said she would see that it was typed up and put in his computer file so that it would be accessible to everyone. Hopefully that will happen and the staff that work with him will read it. The financial person was not available yesterday afternoon, so I will try to see her on Friday.

After the care team meeting, I returned to Mike's room to find him comfortably lying on his bed and quiet. What joy to witness this. I handed him his Bible and he began to read, not out loud, but this is still better than most post-surgery days. We had a couple of quiet times Tuesday which I believe is more relaxing for Mike, as well. He was calm.

Tomorrow afternoon at 2:30, I have an appointment at DSS to turn in necessary documents and move the Medicaid process along. Please pray for this process and that meeting tomorrow. Our case worker said I could drop off the required documentation, but I asked for a meeting hoping I can spur this on a little faster.

I am truly grateful for everyone's thoughts, prayers, comments, messages, calls, cards, etc. I actually just read some of the comments from previous posts tonight. I'm sorry I don't respond right away or sometimes not at all (that's terrible, I'm sorry!), but please know I greatly appreciate all of you who continue to care for us, pray for us, read these blogs, leave me messages here or on FB, and give me hugs when I see you in person. Y'all mean so much to me and are a huge part of our journey. I know you have helped me tremendously with your encouragement and prayers.

Thank you! I love you!


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