Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Today was better and Mike did fairly well getting his hair cut. The lady that comes to the facility to do hair every Wednesday was quite kind and worked with us as best she could. We didn't try to move him out of the wheelchair. The less Mike is messed with, the better. I tried to hold Mike's head still part of the time; and he held it still himself a few times. His hair is less wild and I sort of washed it with a washcloth and shampoo, so I would assume it feels better also.

Mr. Omm was there, but not as agitated or intense today and Mike wasn't trying to shift his body and legs like yesterday. He would still rub his head, but it wasn't the almost angry grabbing that he was doing. After his haircut, we ventured down to the dining room and played Bingo. After a while, Mr. Omm got bored and went elsewhere. I would repeat what the caller said, point to the square, and Mike would place the chip. He would try to put chips on ones she hadn't called too. After Bingo, we played a couple of games of Sequence while we waited for his lunch. He wasn't quite with it, but at least it was a diversion for a while and he didn't exhibit signs of distress or pain other than rubbing his head. Maybe that was due to the new haircut. 😊

He ate well and then started to get more antsy, but he had been in the wheelchair all morning. It was time for a nap and change of position. The boil or infected spot on his back looks much better and I am hopeful that we are on an upswing. I am so glad I went today and saw him having a calmer day.

Y'all certainly see my roller coaster of emotions as I share on here. Sometimes my sharing is raw. Thank you for your grace and love to me in the highs and the lows. Writing and sharing is therapeutic. There are times when I think I shouldn't write when I'm low, and sometimes I don't, but it's the reality of our situation, the reality of most people's lives. We have lows. The key is not to get stuck there. I try to look for the bright spots and trust Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and God's word to pull me from the ditch. There are always bright spots and God's word is full of light and truth. Satan wants to bury us and fill us with lies in the low times. Don't let him! Feeling low? Run, grab the word of God and silence the enemy's lies with the truth of The One who made us. The One who wants what is best for us and knows what that is in any and all circumstances, even when we don't understand His methods. Our human minds cannot possibly comprehend what the Almighty God knows. Our job is to trust that when He says He came to bring us full life, He means it. Let's live the full life He has given to us!

If you are reading this blog and have not accepted the truth that Jesus is God's son who lived a perfect life and died a cruel death to pay our penalty of sin, then rose from the grave conquering sin and death, please do not delay to search God's word and find out for yourself all that has been done by Jesus for those who believe.  The Gospel book of John, plus I John, II John, and III John are great places to start in the Bible. I want to see you in eternity one day. Don't delay. It is a matter of life and death.

John 10:10 (NIV)
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; 
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."


  1. One of the verses I read today was Psalm 16:11: You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasure of living with you forever. That middle part, about the joy of God's presence, was something I was praying you would feel today. I'm so thankful you were able to go see Mike again today, and he was better than yesterday.
    Keep sharing the highs and lows; that's reality, and you have no clue how many people you are touching with your heartfelt posts.
    Love you!

    1. Thank you, Carol. Psalm 16 has become one of my favorites. He is my portion and cup and has made my boundary lines secure. Nothing touches us that God doesn't already know about. Love you.


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