Sunday, January 13, 2013

Mike has a cold

Really need everyone's prayers.  Mike's surgery, to try to pull the pressure sore together from the inside, is scheduled for this Tuesday, Jan. 15, and yesterday he came down with a cold.  Has a very stuffy nose and a bit of a cough.  I just hate the thought of having to postpone this surgery since we've already waited a month for it to happen.  He must have started feeling poorly earlier this week, because  he was going to bed between 6 and 7 - just could not keep him up.  I've been so tired, that most nights have been in bed about an hour after him. Thursday I met Keegan at the park for a sack lunch and chance to talk, and then I took some time just for me. Walked for a while and then rented a paddle boat and paddled out to the middle of Lake Johnson, closed my eyes, leaned back, and just floated and enjoyed the warm, sunny day for 1/2 hour.  Later I enjoyed reading one of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Friday I met with Liz, who is a caregiver for her mom, and we enjoyed talking for a couple of hours at a lively bakery.  Today I've had a little bit of a cough, so hope I'm not going to get sick too.  Really appreciate the prayers. G'night.

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