Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Drumpy Gus

Just had to share a "funny" from this afternoon.  Scotty came from 1-4 today. When he arrived, we were still eating lunch...well, I was still eating, Mike was done (he inhales his meals).  So while I finished, we played Blokus. After the game, I went into the spare bedroom/office to make some calls and Scotty wanted to take Mike to play basketball, Mike wouldn't go, so they ended up driving to a park and taking a walk.  At 4 Mike comes in and says "I did not have fun!"  Scotty: "That's not what you said 5 minutes ago."  After Scotty left, I asked Mike, in a funny voice, if he was just a "grumpy gus" today and he started smiling and saying "drumpy gus", then I started poking/tickling him and calling him a grumpy gus and he started laughing and repeating "drumpy gus".  We had a fun time with that and enjoyed the light moment.  I'm so thankful to God for the bright spots and very thankful for Galen and Scotty this week.  Am getting lots of things marked off my list and even took a nice brisk walk all by myself yesterday.

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