Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Family Gatherings

I don't know why, but I'm not that fond of the word "reunion". Maybe it conjures up scenes from movies where relatives are dreading the annual family reunion and having to listen to Uncle George's stories or enduring Great Aunt Agatha's tales of when she was young or, worse yet, someone telling embarrassing stories about them. I prefer to say I'm looking forward to the Family Gathering. To me it feels warmer somehow and I had the distinct pleasure of not one, but two Family Gatherings in July.

The first was the gathering of the Rice family. I always look forward to our gatherings as we spend a lot of time talking and playing card or board games. I genuinely enjoy and love my in-law family which is a huge blessing from God! It's the first time we have all been together in over 7 years and, of course, 7 years ago Mike and I didn't have 2 daughters-in-law and 5 grandchildren; however with our boys we did usually get with his family at Christmas. With one son and his family in Arizona, and Mike incapacitated, it has not been easy to get us all in one place, but on July 17 we all converged at an AirBnB for 3 nights not too far from Mike. It was wonderful and I was one happy Mom/Grammy! 

Our little hiking troopers.
We enjoyed lots of talking, laughter, board and card games, swimming, hiking, eating and I was able to get to know my Arizona grands much better than via the internet. (I'm thankful for that, but it is not the same as in person!) It was HOT and HUMID, but thanks to a pool and Richlands Creamery ice cream we made out fine. I brought along 10 different quarts so that the Ohio and Texas branches of the Rice family could give it a try. We had no trouble finishing it all before our time together was done. Caleb and nephew, Vincent, did most of the cooking/grilling which was a hot job for them, but they did a superb job and all the food was delicious.

Mike and I surrounded by his Mom, our children and grands!

Thursday morning we picked up Mike and took him to a nearby park. Thanks to Mark and Rogelio, we were able to get him into and out of the van. Mr. Omm was present the entire time, and he showed no signs of recognizing the rest of his family. After eating some ice cream and everyone having a chance to speak with him, we returned to the facility and let him walk the halls, fed him lunch, and then he was tired.  Mark and Jenney returned to see him the next day and they said he was sitting at the nurse's station and Mr. Omm was not around.

Can you believe she's 90?
On Saturday, July 20, while the rest of the Rice family headed to their respective states and homes, Caleb, Keegan, their families and I headed to Wilsons, VA to the next family gathering. This time it was on my Mom's side - the Hawkes/Dews family. I enjoyed visiting with aunts, uncles, and cousins - a few of which I had not seen in years, plus I met some of their grandchildren.  We also included celebrating Mom's 90th birthday which was on July 13. Praise God she is doing quite well.

Since I rarely get to see all of my grandchildren, I really spent most of my time with them, plus we stayed at a neighboring farm which was a true blessing. After so much travel, so many people and so much heat, it was nice to have a place of cool and quiet to escape to before we all had a melt down! LOL! The evenings gave me a chance to spend time with my adult children and we enjoyed playing games way too late!

It was so hot outside that it wasn't great weather to do much, but I was able to take my little ones for a ride on my golf-cart and we walked around the calf barns, plus of course we visited the Creamery.

"Hello cows!"

Ice cream!!!
So happy to have all my little ones and big ones in
church with me, along with my Mom, siblings and
their families, cousins, aunts, and uncles. 

A week goes by way too fast, but I thoroughly enjoyed every minute with all of my family and cherish the memories we made together. My heart is full and overflowing. God has blessed me beyond measure.

I love my growing family!
Psalm 127:3-5a
Children are a heritage from the Lord,
    offspring a reward from him.
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
    are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man
    whose quiver is full of them.

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