Friday, July 13, 2018

Mental Respite & Praise

Today I took a mental rest. There were so many conversations replaying in my brain and the stress has been apparent in the pain between my shoulder blades for the past few days. After speaking with the case manager this morning and making an appointment with a different lawyer, I felt I had done all I needed to do in regards to Mike's placement and finances for today. I decided not to drive back to Charlottesville today either. I needed a therapy day for me which meant walking with Nancy and spending time in my neglected gardens. It felt so good to once again be physically active and let my mind rest from all the clamor. The aches in my body tonight are from a day of hard physical labor and I can see where I did something.  As I took a break for lunch, I realized the tension in my shoulders was gone and my mind felt lighter. My back wasn't too thrilled with the days activities, but it did me good in many other ways.

The psychiatrist was not able to come see Mike, because she was out at nursing homes Thursday and Friday this week. Mike was in the hall when I arrived, calm, and omming. RN said he had Tramadol with breakfast. Good. Is Tylenol scheduled regularly now? No. No? Would you please ask about that or let me speak with the doctor? I've been asking since Monday. Yes, I will see that it is done.

I wheeled him around the halls several times and then the aide suggested I take him outside. What a great idea! Mike's tone did not change in or out, but maybe it still felt good to get outside for a little while.  About 11 Mike's tone did change. We were back inside by this time and I alerted the aide. After getting him back in bed, I could tell he was getting more anxious/fidgety or felt more pain/??? After lunch he seemed flushed and just uncomfortable, so I start asking about regular Tylenol again or if I could speak with a doctor. Pain med still not scheduled. I had noticed Mike being flushed and a bit shaky the night before also and I didn't know if it was a reaction to some medication or pain or what.  I wanted to talk with someone who knows these medications. Still no doctor. Grrr... I am not one to make a stink, but after speaking with the nurse twice and going to the nurses station to ask that a doctor be paged and still nothing happening, I got frustrated and sounded like it the second time I went to the desk. Within minutes there was a liaison in Mike's room asking what the problem was and letting me know that all of the doctors were either in surgery or clinic. I explained the problem and before she left the room, Tylenol was scheduled and Tramadol was also if there was evidence that it was necessary. The whole experience left me feeling irritable. I don't like being stinky, but nothing was happening. I was polite, just more forceful than I'm comfortable being and felt exhausted from the experience of trying to advocate for my husband who isn't able to talk right now.
Psalm 138:3 
"When I called, you answered me; 
you made me bold and stouthearted."

During our conversation on Wednesday with all those folks, the social worker informed us that she had received a call from Appomattox Health and Rehab that morning saying they had a couple of open beds which was quite unusual for their facility, and wondering if she had any referrals. The case manager sent them Mike's information and yesterday morning they showed interest, but were concerned that he is on Haldol. After some further conversations, they came back about noon saying they would take him, even with the Haldol, if they received Medicare authorization. Glimmers of hope.

Nancy and I came home via Appomattox in order to tour the facility. It is small and personal, feels more like a hospital than The Harbor did, but I have to remember that this is skilled nursing and long-term, not assisted living. It was clean with no offensive smell and I had read several really good reviews online. Hope is growing.

This afternoon, just as I finished my work outside and was heading in for a shower, the case manager called and said Medicare has given approval and Mike will be medically transported on Monday morning. Praise the Lord Jesus!! Woo Hoo!!! Hope realized - Rehab placement is complete. Now to get him there, settled and working hard to walk again. Then I can focus on getting him on Medicaid and long-term will come later.

Thank you so much for all your thoughts, prayers and words of encouragement. The rehab program sounds really great at Appomattox, no surprise, God worked it out for Mike's best.

This morning I was reading Psalm 138. The following verses became a prayer:

Psalm 138:6-8
"Though the Lord is on high, he looks upon the lowly, (like Mike and me)
but the proud he knows from afar.
Though I (Mike & I) walk in the midst of trouble,
you preserve my (our lives) life;
you stretch out your hand against the anger of my (our) foes,
with your right hand you save me (us).
The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me (us);
your love, O Lord, endures forever --
do not abandon the works of your hands.

The Lord will not abandon the works of His hands. His purposes will be fulfilled. He is preserving our lives even though we are in the midst of trouble. He is with us and looking upon us and saving us. Praise be to God!


  1. Continuing to pray for you both.

  2. Continuing to pray for you both. This update did my heart good, thank you Jennifer!

  3. Glad you've had some good news!

  4. So happy for you and all this good news!!

  5. Praise God, our provider, our protecter, our healer.. love from Az

    1. Thank you! Not sure who this is, but I appreciate your thoughts!

  6. So glad for your mental respite and the good news about Mike's transfer.

  7. Praising the LORD with you, and praying the transition goes well!

  8. Jennifer ... Oh how I know the struggle of having to be "forceful" which is not in my nature. But sometimes God requires it from us ... How far are we willing to go beyond our own comfort level to advocate for a loved one. I always cried when I had to be a "meanie" with a nurse or aide or doctor - but I wept seeing my beloved Laura in intractable pain. My only consolation is that she is no longer in pain ... I am praying for you and Mike. And am pleased you took time to touch the earth. Love you dear friend. Remember you are not alone.


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