Tuesday, July 10, 2018

2nd Chance?

Please pray, pray, pray!

It's way too much to go into at this late hour, but I specifically need your prayers for a second chance at Amelia Rehab and that I can quickly get the process of applying for Medicaid rolling. I hope that it will roll fast toward approval without too many bumps and potholes. I've done what I could tonight, but time to quit.

I praise God for the two wonderful women at The Harbor, who are going to bat for us. It was a very discouraging day, but they are giving me hope.

Mike seemed uncomfortable and spit up a couple times. I asked for pain med for him and he was a bit calmer when I left tonight. Please, lift him up. I'm so sorry he has to deal with so much pain without even being able to tell us where it hurts or what's wrong. It's so hard to see him like this with no communication.

Thank you for praying.


  1. Jennifer I am praying for Mike and you too. Its been a rough time on top of rough times.. you need a break from worry. Hoping the red tape gets done quick

  2. I will pray for you. Did you consider if the medication he is taking is making his stomach upset? Aloe vera juice or as a supplement could help.

  3. Praying, wonderful cousin.....<3

  4. Just saw this Jennifer. I hope today was a good day for both Mike and you. We're praying with you.


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