Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I love hymns!

Then let us all with one accord
Sing praises to our heavenly Lord
Who hath made heaven and earth of naught,
And with His blood mankind hath bought.

I love hymns! Mike and I sang The First Noel during our devotions on Sunday morning and then again at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday night during "The Hanging of the Greens" and the last verse just stood out to me more than it ever has before. How awesome is God?  So awesome that he made all of heaven and earth from nothing! I'm usually not very comfortable in large churches and have never been crazy about organ music, but the two services we attended on Sunday were wonderful. I think I was feeling rather depleted and God just poured into me on Sunday til I was splashing over! The organist really knew how to play and the music was powerful and gorgeous. The sermon was from one of my favorite passages Exodus 33 where God places Moses in the cleft of the rock and places his hand over him while God, in all His glory, passes by. Sunday night we sang lots of the favorite Christmas hymns, heard all of the choirs sing, the symbolism of the greens, candles, light, etc. It was so great to be able to belt out the hymns, hear others around singing, and the powerful organ and piano. At the end, all of the children, youth and adult choirs joined together and sang - probably 100 or more voices strong. Just beautiful! :-)

Saturday had been a difficult day and praise God, Keegan and Amy were able to come and take Mike for several hours. They took him to play miniature golf and get a milkshake. Don't know what's going on but he's back to being very frantic and anxious. I put in a call to Dr. Sullivan's office today to see if we can get another culture done. I'm just wondering if the staph infection is still there.  Dr. Sullivan won't be in until Wed. so we will see him then. While Mike was out with K&A, I took a long walk and had a nice talk with the Lord. With encouragement and gentle persuasion from family members (thank you, Jenney) and just never feeling like I can get done what I need to, I am looking for more help, called and talked to some people who have offered help and just finally realized I NEED PEOPLE!  I have enjoyed talking with more family and friends the past couple of days. Kris and I enjoyed an outing tonight, while Ed entertained a rather frantic Mike. Even little things like while I was at the farm, one night TR sat with Mike and followed him around giving me a few minutes of peace. Mom had Mike help her empty the dishwasher, Dad helped Mike get his jacket on. I'm learning how to let people help me and Mike. People need to know they don't have to be afraid to be around Mike or afraid to call and chat. If it isn't a good time, either I won't answer the phone or I'll tell you I have to go, but I'm going to call more people just to talk, because it is therapeutic for me.  I like hearing what others are doing and being able to think about other things.

You may remember that we met with Eugene from Developmental Disability Bridging the Wed. before Thanksgiving to see what government resources might be available to us - like Gateway Clubhouse and finances for additional help, etc.  Mike's case went before the review team last week and will go before the eligibility committee this Friday.  Please pray that God's will be done and my prayer is that he'll be eligible for and be willing to go to Gateway for a few hours each week.

Well, this is the 3rd night in a row that I'm not getting to bed until midnight or after so better quit.  Thank you so much for continuing to pray for us and if you have any ideas of activities or projects for Mike, let me know.

Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Born is the King of Israel!

Bright Spots
Hymns with organ accompaniment
laughing with Kris
Mike "making me proud" in therapy
sitting in the sun
talking with Mrs. Capps
Keegan & Amy
hot honey vanilla chamomile tea
long hot shower
Caleb coming home for Christmas

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