Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Miracle

Hello! Time to fill you in on Mike and the past couple of weeks.

After lots of phone calls, I did get a low pressure air flow overlay for our bed so that we did not have to get an entire hospital bed.  It was delivered on Dec. 17 and Mike immediately wanted to lie down and actually stayed there for almost 45 minutes - it was wonderful! As soon as I knew when it would be delivered, I called Dr. Schwartz's office to schedule the surgery for Mike's pressure sore and wasn't happy with the date - Jan. 15. I knew there was no way I could keep the outer skin from closing for that long, plus it meant dealing with the wound vac for another month. Ugh. The scheduler and RN checked with the Dr. and he's not worried about it since he'll open it on the 15th anyway.  Seems to me if it closed on the outside 2 weeks before the surgery, it could be much worse underneath by the 15th, but none of them are concerned about that.  I called back again and asked to be put on a waiting list for an earlier date should one come available.  In the meantime, I have continued to ask God to heal the ENTIRE hole inside and out, plus looked up what other foods besides protein are good for wound healing.  I've been feeding Mike more dark greens plus orange and yellow fruits.  On Dec. 19, when Tara at Wound Care took measurements of the wound, she told me that since he was going to have surgery I could stop using the wound vac and just go back to doing the wet-to-dry dressing, if I wanted to.  Of course I wanted to!  The wound vac just gets in the way and changing it's dressing is a much bigger ordeal. So her permission was such a blessing. (bright spot!)  Christmas night, when I was packing the wound, I was sure it seemed like the underneath hole was smaller.  Yesterday morning, I was sure of it, and tonight even more so.  PRAISE GOD for this CHRISTMAS MIRACLE, the wound is closing from the inside out and fast in the last 3 days!!!! I am SO EXCITED and THANKFUL to JESUS!!!  I can hardly wait to take him back to Tara next week for confirmation. This is such a HUGE just have no idea!

On Friday the 14th, I received the call that we had been approved to receive some government assistance and that Mike was eligible to pursue Gateway Clubhouse.  On Tuesday, we again visited Gateway and although Mike was very restless, pacing, and repeating "Give me a job", he wanted to stay there and wanted me to get away. Unfortunately, as government things go, there is more paperwork and other people that have to do their part before Mike could actually go there and stay as a member. Plus, if he is too agitated and not a good fit with the other members, they can deny him. Louis, the director, said we may be able to start him for an hour at a time with a caregiver with him and increase from there. He did say that most of the members are 1 - 2 years post injury so are much more settled than Mike is currently. At any rate, he said it would probably be mid-February before we know if Mike can start there or not.

I have also been seeking more consistent help, but so far that has not happened. Mike has been quite anxious at some point on most days, unless we get him out to walk or work and wear him out.  Usually the caregivers are worn out before he is!  A couple of weeks ago, Scotty took Mike to his Dad's place in Apex and Mike raked leaves, picked up pine cones, they tromped through the woods and cut down a Christmas tree and finished building his bird house.  Scotty was worn out, but Mike came home jubilant and saying "I can work outside!" Scotty said Mike did a great job.  I had taken him to a friend's house the week before and we had raked.  I enjoy working outside also, but my back was not happy that night, so I know I have to have someone else do these things with Mike.  Last week Scotty couldn't come, so Comfort Keepers sent Rod who took Mike and they went to Pastor Berk's house and raked.

We went to the Brain Injury Association of NC (BIANC) support group's Christmas party on the 18th.  Mike was excited to go to a party and we could hardly get him dressed and out the door due to his anxiety about getting there. Once in the car and there, he was very quiet and seemed to enjoy being out. I enjoyed meeting others with brain injury who encouraged us that a year from now, Mike would be so much better.  I would have never guessed that some of the people even had TBI. There's always hope. We came home with free stuff and a contented Mike.

There is always more I want to tell you and especially some things I'm learning from the Lord, but it is almost 11pm again and time to quit. For some reason, this blog thinks I'm in central time (even tho I live in Raleigh, NC) and I can't figure out how to change it so the time stamp is always wrong.  Feel free to leave a comment...hint, hint!  I like to know there are folks "listening" on the other side. Then it feels like a two-way conversation.

As always, thank you for your prayers and love. I love you.

Bright Spots
Wound closing from the inside!!!
Less medications
Mike being calmer
Mike smiling as he plays the iPad games
Mike smiling as Draco slobbered and "talked" to him
both boys being home for Christmas
being with Mom and Dad & family
great food
5 straight hours of sleep

Mike enjoying his new iPad.

Mike, who has always been allergic to animals, and hasn't cared to be around them, really enjoyed Draco's boisterous greeting and playful nature.

Draco talking with Mike.


  1. Rejoicing with you that Mike's wound is closing!

    1. Thanks Kris! I really hope he won't have to have surgery. Hour to see you soon.


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