Sunday, February 1, 2015

How is Mike?

I hear this question often and often I don't know what to say other than "much the same". I know people are concerned, interested, and want to know how to pray, but (I'm going to be honest) sometimes I dread the question. Answering "much the same" is safe, easy, non-emotional and with most people is about all I say. Sometimes; however, I do go into more detail. Some people genuinely want to know and others really don't. That's OK. Sometimes I want to share and sometimes I don't. At times, details lead into tears and emotions that I would rather leave alone. Especially if I've just visited Mike, and he wasn't feeling well, or didn't look the best. is Mike?

The Good News:  The last three times I've visited Mike he has been calmer and more relaxed. He did not come down the hall saying "no, no, no" either. Dr. Ebeling started a new medicine shortly after Christmas and so far it seems to be helping. I hope for the best, but am skeptical as we have been down this road before. However, maybe this is THE medicine or correct combo of medicines. Whatever the long-term outcome, I am thankful for Dr. Ebeling. He has not had experience with brain injury prior to Mike, but he is willing to try different approaches, read reports and proceed cautiously with medication adjustments. A neurologist friend of his gave Dr. Ebeling a 50 page report about some medicines that had proven successful for some TBI patients and he took the time to read this over his Christmas break. Previously, when Mike was acting up after being at the Treatment Mall, Dr. Ebeling made a plan to separate Mike from the rest of the residents until supper time. By limiting the amount of stimulation for a time, Mike's behavior improved and there were less behavioral issues. You have to remember that CSH is not really set up for brain injury patients, so Dr. Ebeling is also trying to train the staff in how to handle Mike as well. Please pray for continued wisdom for Dr. Ebeling and his staff in regards to Mike's treatment and care.

The Bad News:  Mike has an abscess on his back side. He said it was not hurting now and is healing. Last Saturday when I visited him, his throat was very sore. Spoke with a nurse or tech during the week and they said Mike was on an antibiotic and seemed to be feeling better. Mom, Randy, Karen and I visited with him last night and though he was calm, I didn't think he looked very good. To me his eyes looked like he wasn't feeling good. He is congested, but said his throat felt better. He hasn't been shaved in several days and there were signs of food spills on his clothes. Mike was always so fastidious, so it is hard to see him disheveled. He still doesn't have any glasses either, so I know that contributes to things just not being right with him. His glasses were lost before Christmas. He has seen the eye doctor, but things move slow with the government and so glasses may be another 2 - 3 weeks. Mike ate his snack, we read a bit of mail, prayed together, and played Uno. The visit was fine. I just want so much more for Mike and it's still out of reach.

Most places won't even consider taking Mike since there is a history of aggression and erratic behavior. I took a prayer walk today and wrestled with what our options are - there aren't many. Please pray that the Lord will open a door to a more homey, safe place. One that is close enough for me to be part of his care and be able to spend time with him in more than just an impersonal visiting room. Plus, one where others will be more comfortable visiting also. I'm going to start calling and looking again tomorrow. I was getting anxious and fretting this afternoon, but after spending time with the Lord, my spirit was calmed.

The past 2 weeks, this has been my go-to verse: Isaiah 30:15 " quietness and trust is your strength...." It was part of my daily reading a couple of weeks ago, then yesterday it was the verse of the day on a daily calendar that Mom has on a shelf above the kitchen sink. God's reminder to me to keep trusting Him. Another verse that came to my attention from the little daily calendar is Acts 3:19 (NKJV) "Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord." I like the New King James Version because it says if we have repented, our sins are blotted out and that we will be refreshed because of the Lord's presence. Other translations say that refreshing will come from the Lord. It may be subtle, but to me there is a difference. The later sounds like something the Lord hands to us, possibly from a distance, while the former says that the Lord's very presence with us will refresh us. I am so glad that our God is with us. Emmanuel - God with us. God's presence is with those who repent and come to Him. Don't you want to be refreshed today? Jesus is the only way and He loves you so much. Actually, the beginning of Isaiah 30:15 talks about repentance also. The quietness, trust and refreshing comes after repentance. When we stop going our way, turn and go with God, then there is peace. May you know that peace today.

Please remember Mike in your prayers and remember to write. He loves to receive mail and it gives him something to do when he writes back. Thank you. Here's his address again:

Mike Rice
Central State Hospital
Bldg. 94, Ward 4
P.O. Box 4030
Petersburg, VA 23803

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