Sunday, June 23, 2019

Beautiful Smile

Two weeks ago when I visited Mike, he was much the same and didn't speak to me at all. I fed him his pureed food and we took a walk. He was a little more cooperative than usual when I tried to brush his teeth and shave him though. With his fairly new haircut, he looked really good and so before I left I asked him if I could take his picture. I pointed my phone camera at him, requested a smile, and was pleasantly surprised to get a wonderful smile. A better smile than I've seen in a very long time. I was feeling quite down on the drive to Appomattox that day and so had shot a request-for-prayer text to the Tuesday Bible Study ladies. Thank you, beautiful women of God for praying and I thank and praise God for the answer to prayers, for I was greatly uplifted by Mike's beautiful smile. 

He was beginning to make some progress toward a soft diet when last week his behavior changed and they found that he had a UTI. He was immediately put on antibiotics and is doing better. I saw the ST on Friday and she said this illness set him back, but she has extended his therapy and is hopeful that he'll be able to return to soft foods or even solid foods in the near future. 

After receiving all of the necessary permits and licenses, praise God we were able to open the doors of the Richlands Creamery this past week! Mr. B has been asking how it was coming along and when I would bring him some ice cream, so Friday I took a quart of chocolate with me. Mr. B was sound asleep when I arrived, so I scooped some out for Mike and fed it to him first. Due to his reaction, I think it must have given him a brain freeze. I never saw him move it around in his mouth or let it sit for bit; the spoon went in his mouth and the ice cream went straight down his throat. After I realized this, I gave him smaller mouth fulls, but it didn't matter and after a few spoonfuls he grabbed the spoon and pushed it away. He wasn't able to handle it properly and it must have been causing him pain. So sad, because he really liked ice cream in the past and this is very good ice cream. I think I'll try a milkshake next time, maybe the intake will be slower.

Mr. B, on the other hand, enjoyed the ice cream very much and ate all that I gave him. When Mike and I were sitting on the deck, I started talking with two other women out there and divided the rest of the ice cream between them. One is a resident there and asked if she could put in an order for me to bring ice cream to her when I come every week. 😋

The Creamery has been long anticipated by family, friends, and the community and the first days have seen almost overwhelming crowds come through the doors. We are grateful for the business and to see money coming in after so many months of it only going out. I am the bookkeeper and at times am overwhelmed with my lack of knowledge of what I'm doing, but little by little I am learning and doing the best I can and have enjoyed the challenge for the most part. I've recently become more comfortable with the bills, payroll and grant reimbursement requests, but now I have new things to figure out with income, syncing software, and eventually wholesale invoices, etc. It's keeping me busy.

I've also watched videos on how to use the Square point of sale register, how to scoop ice cream, and how to make waffle cones and then helped train employees on those, plus worked several hours once we opened. Having something new to learn and working alongside others has energized me and been fun. I was able to do more of this these past 10 days thanks to my sister, Carol, being here with Mom. 

It is exciting to see my niece's dream come true and with such a bang at the start. I do see where it can become all-consuming and pray for wisdom for her in the day to day operation of this business while balancing her family life and health. The same goes for the rest of the family members that are totally invested in this venture while keeping the dairy farm completely running as well. To read more about my farming family, you can read my post titled "Sudden Disaster" at:  You can also visit to learn more about the creamery.

The Creamery has consumed a lot of my time recently and especially this week also, and I realized that while I want to help, I must remember what God has called me to and not lose sight of my priorities. A couple of things came to mind this week that made me excited to write, but I didn't take the time to do so. I haven't worked on my book in several weeks, because there's also the flower gardens that need attention. I wanted to visit people in the nursing home, but I didn't have time as I zipped through town. Although I have spent time in God's word every morning, I have gotten away from looking into it deeply or studying it. Plus, even though I mostly live with my Mom, I need to be more intentional about doing things with her or getting her out to visit. Days fly by and there's always more to do. 

I determined that today I would not dwell on the Creamery bookkeeping or store and I wouldn't go pull weeds. I would read and write and try to get back on track with what God has for me to do. This morning, after my time with the Lord, I had the thought to go visit at the nursing home before church. What a blessing. I was late to church, but believe one I visited was in much need this morning to have someone listen and give a hug. I didn't rush.

God calls each of us to different paths, but it is easy to get side-tracked. Even if it is a good track, if it isn't the one God has marked for us, it can overwhelm us and leave us worn, weary, and wondering where the time went. My desire is to stay on the track God has set for me. Putting Him first, caring for my husband, Mom & others, and sharing through writing. He's also given me flower gardening as my therapy, release of tension, and as a value added beauty to the farm tours. 😊

Hebrews 10:36
You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.

Hebrews 13:20-21
"Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen."

Lord, help me to persevere in Your will for me, trusting that you will equip me with what I need and that you will work in me what is pleasing to You.