Jigsaw puzzles can be fun and they can be frustrating. So much time can be spent looking for a certain piece to finish the edge, or complete a section. Working together with others can make it go together more quickly, since there are more sets of eyes searching. Once all the right pieces are put together and the puzzle is finished, there is a sense of satisfaction and completion.
Monday, we found a missing piece in regards to Mike. Last Friday I called and talked with the RN who is the Floor Manager, regarding Mike's agitation. As I was explaining his actions, she thought they should check to see if he might have a UTI. She was right, tests came back positive for UTI on Monday morning. Mike was extremely agitated on Monday, plus threw up his lunch and generally seemed miserable. I am so glad the UTI was discovered and antibiotics were started that evening. Yesterday, he was so much calmer and I praise Jesus for answering prayer and am so thankful that the RN thought to test Mike for that. One more puzzle piece found by working together.
Yesterday Mike was more cooperative when I tried to brush his teeth, but still nothing doing on shaving. It was getting him upset, so I didn't push it. He was generally pushing me away no matter what I was doing, so I let him be. Mr. B. said Mike had been more cooperative with the CNAs after Monday too, so that's all improvement. Still no talking or reading yet.
If you read my last post regarding the missionaries, you may have missed one of the comments left by a sister-in-Christ, Pam Wilson, whom I have never met, but who has been following our TBI journey. It truly blessed my heart and I want to share it with you. It's another piece of a puzzle that God has allowed us to see of His master plan.
"Such beautiful reminders. An elderly missionary - when I was a young missionary - asked me what year I was born. When I told him 1957, and I mentioned that half my team were born in 1957, he nodded knowingly and said, 'Yes I meet so many missionaries who were born in 1957 because when the martyrs were killed in 1956, people began praying for others to take their place.' So good to know we do live in a Kingdom that is sure, with a sovereign King!"Isn't that beautiful? Who knows how many missionaries went out as a result of those prayers? Where there were 5 men, maybe now there are thousands, tens of thousands, or more! Even Mike, who was born in 1956 and me in 1960, though we were short-term missionaries, could be due to those very prayers following the martyr of 5 missionary men in the jungle. God's multiplication to bring salvation to as many as possible. It makes me think of Joseph and this passage from Genesis 50:19-21.
19 But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? 20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. 21 So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.” And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them.Whatever trial, loss, difficulty or success you find yourself in, look for God there. God's intentions are always for our good or the good of someone in our circle of influence. Let's allow Him to use us for His glory and the saving of many lives and trust that He will provide for us and our children as He did for Joseph. God knows where all the pieces of the puzzle are and in His time they will all be put together perfectly into His grand masterpiece.