I hope you have enjoyed a day of giving and receiving love in various and beautiful forms with those who are dear to you.
I had the distinct pleasure of enjoying several hours with my honey today and it was a very good day. I'm a slow learner, but I think I've finally (after almost 6 years) learned that keeping things simple and routine usually makes the time with Mike go fairly well. Did you notice my qualifiers in that sentence? "think, usually, fairly" Nothing is ever certain with brain injury or even with me. I have those days when I just want to throw in some variety....uh, bad idea. Anyway, today I took Mike to Subway, our usual lunch spot, where we enjoyed our sandwiches, plus other goodies that I brought along. I have learned that if I want to be able to eat most of my own lunch, I have to have extra things for Mike to eat or I end up giving him half or more of mine. 😊 He eats fast and I eat slow. If I'm still eating and he doesn't have any food in front of him, he looks at me so pitifully - watching the food go to my mouth - that I can't take it!
Mike was fairly clear today and when he responded it was appropriate to what I had asked or said. He will still keep on eating as long as there is food, so I try to gauge what looks like enough. At one point, I figured he had to be getting full, so I asked him and he did this little quick nod of his head with his eyes wide and looking directly at me. I wish I could describe it for you, but words cannot capture the look. It's a look of such innocence, child-like and endearing.
After this I was trying to ask him if his shoes were still fitting well and feeling good or did we need to get him a new pair. I asked in about 3 different ways, pausing after each. After a few minutes, he looked up and said "What did you ask me?" So I repeated it again pointing to his shoes and nudging his toe with mine and he said "I'm full!" I just had to laugh and figured his shoes must be fine.
Following a new tradition that is working well, we headed over to Lowe's and walked around for a while to give him some exercise in a level and warm environment. He leans heavily on the walker and I try to encourage him to work on getting his bottom under his shoulders. He tries.
Once back at The Harbor, I trimmed his nails, he read for a while then we played Yahtzee. He beat me soundly something like 256 - 179. Then he was ready for a nap and so was I before I headed home. After getting him in bed, I squeezed in between the wall and him and enjoyed resting beside him, hearing his heartbeat and feeling his warmth. I don't think either of us slept, but the chance to stretch out and close my eyes helped tremendously on the drive home.
It was so nice not to hear Mr. Ommm Ommm today. He tried to make a brief appearance at Subway when I couldn't figure out which chips Mike wanted, but thankfully I found the right ones so Mr. Ommm was left in the corner once Mike started eating. A couple of times Mike just stared at me. I always think he's trying to figure out who I am when he does that, but I didn't want to ask if he knew me today. He seemed to and that was good enough for me.
I was given a great gift today from my Lord. A beautiful time with my husband that I enjoyed immensely.
James 1:17 (ESV)
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of lights
with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."