(That was always Mike's preferred salutation.) :-)
I spent several hours on Father's Day with Mike. He was a bit agitated when I arrived, but after a small dose of medication, he calmed down and I was able to take him to church. Afterwards, I took him to a local park where we enjoyed a homemade picnic in the great outdoors. A man and his two children were practicing medieval sword play with their soft weapons and shields which provided fun entertainment as we ate and subsequently walked around the soccer field. We were able to video chat with both of our boys and their families also. Mike doesn't say much, but I do think he enjoys actually seeing them. Back at The Harbor, we tried to talk with Mike's Dad, but I think by then he was over-stimulated so the nurse and I got him to bed with a new book I had brought him. At that point, he was ready for me to go.
Even though we had several good hours together, the abrupt ending left me feeling down as I drove away. I'm usually the one who tells Mike that I have to go and this time, although he didn't tell me to go in words, his actions spoke clearly. It was such a lovely day that I thought we'd stay outside and play a game or sit and admire the flower gardens, but he couldn't that day and it made me sad. I had to remind myself how well he did at church and at the park, plus be thankful that he is comfortable in his space at The Harbor.

Aria is a real joy. She's at the age of taking in so much, mimicking what others do and say, full of laughter, fun, and inquisitiveness, plus testing the boundaries. I called this age the terrible and terrific two's when mine were little. Brody is fun and can be a challenge. Thankfully, he is a very trainable dog and rarely barks. He has his "mouthy" and hyper times, but overall is very good. It was a special time being with all of them for almost 2 weeks.
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If you zoom in, there is a hummingbird sitting on the electric fence. |
Matthew 16:24
Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me,
let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.