Due to Mike's behavior at the end of May, I reviewed his discharge papers from CSH more thoroughly and discovered a medication that I didn't know had been added. After emailing Dr. E, it was discovered that this medication was started in early May after an influx of new patients and used during known agitated times at CSH when there wasn't enough staff to give Mike close supervision. This med had been tried previously when Mike was home with the usual works-for-two-weeks-then-causes-more-agitation routine. I immediately alerted The Harbor and the doctor there discontinued the medicine. It was simply an oversight that it was not taken off of his meds list when transferred.
June 11 & 12
My friend, Karen, and I went to see Mike. When we arrived on Thursday, he was tossing a ball with about 4-5 other residents. He told us to sit down and play. Shortly after we joined them, he became irritated with one older woman and told her to get up and get out of the game. (She was just tossing the ball and had not said anything.) When he stood up and got right in front of her - loudly telling her the above, I decided it was time to take a walk down the hall. We went to his room, got his shoes on and walked out to the courtyard. He immediately relaxed and soon was pulling weeds.
Some of our conversation in the garden was odd/funny. He told us that Russell Stover was trying to kill him. Then he told me he needed $40-$50 to go to the store and get more plants so he and his friends could plant them in the garden. There were actually some plants there and if we would have had a trowel, we could have planted them. The activities director went to look for one, but didn't have one.
Friday was not a good day. Mike was stuck again. When I got there he was reading while lying in his bed. He glared at me and asked in an angry voice "What are you doing here?" When I asked if he wanted me to leave he said "yes!" So I sat in the hall for a bit. Then the Physical Therapist came. Mike just couldn't cooperate. Later I met the psychiatrist. Again, Mike could not carry on any type of conversation. It could be that the medication was still getting out of his system, just a bad day, who knows.

Very busy week this week: VBS every night, tons of family coming this weekend, garden, grass, & weeds growing like crazy. So much to do, so much fun to be had!