Saturday, April 25, 2015

Flashback & Looking Forward

Mike's accident happened 3 years ago today. Since some of you may have never heard or read what happened, I thought I would re-post the first CaringBridge entry describing that day:

The Beginning of this Difficult Adventure (2012)

Wednesday afternoon, April 25, Mike went out to run as is his routine around 4:30pm. Evidently he ran in front of a woman as she was driving down the road and she could not avoid him. He was hit and rolled on the hood of her truck before striking the road. According to the policeman, she did some very quick thinking and turned to the right so that when he fell on the road she did not run over him.

He is in critical condition. The injuries that they know of so far are: badly broken bones below the knee on both legs that were open wounds (the left suffered more soft tissue damage and is of more concern), broken right femur, broken left ribs, collapsed left lung, and there is bleeding on the brain. They believe he will not need brain surgery at this point - the blood should resolve or whatever you call it.  A bolt was put into his head to relieve the pressure and to monitor the pressure. He is intubated and has a chest tube but they are hopeful that he will be able to breath on his own very soon.  Because he is in such great physical condition, they are very hopeful for lots of things but kept telling me they can't guarantee anything, of course. There is the possibility of infection,  especially in his legs.

Last night after they got him stabilized, I was able to quickly go see him before they took him to surgery. He was taken into the OR around 7:30pm by the orthopedic surgeon to try to thoroughly cleanse the open wounds on his lower legs and put external devices on his legs with pins that go through the skin to the bone to set and stabilize the bones as much as possible.  This took approx. 2 hours and Mike came through it well. There are multiple fractures in both lower legs and he had lost a lot of blood.  If all goes well, later they will go in and place rods in his legs. He was put into an ICU room around 11pm and about 12:30pm I was able to go see him. Of course, right now he is in a drug induced coma and they plan to keep him that way for at least a couple of days.

Thanks so much for all the prayers!!  I know prayer warriors have been busy, because I felt such peace and calm throughout the afternoon and evening. Our church family came out in force - you are wonderful West Fay. Baptist!!!  Thank you so much! I'll try to keep you posted. Love you all! Jennifer

Although this difficult adventure continues, you can see that Mike really is a walking miracle in so many ways here in 2015. With the stress of the past few weeks, I went through a dry spell where it seemed God was silent, but sadness and anxiety were very loud. I never doubt that God is with us, but I do question, yell, cry, and ask  "how long?", "what am I supposed to do?", "what can I do?", "why is this dragging on with no solution?".

For some reason, I've been reading several books at one time lately. I never did that in the past, but it seems to work as certain messages come through when I need them. This week, I picked back up a book that I started a couple of months ago "Holding on to Hope" and the chapter I read was perfectly timed. I'm thinking God had something to do with that....what do you think? 

John 9:2&3
 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.
The author, Nancy Guthrie, quotes John 9:2-3 and uses insights from Philip Yancey's book "Disappointment with God":
 "Are you asking God why he has allowed you to suffer so much? There is the answer: "so that the work of God might be displayed in [your] life." Instead of continuing to ask, "Why?" would you change your question to, "For what purpose?" She goes on to say that no matter what kind of suffering we are experiencing, our purpose is to "display the glory of God. How do you display the glory of God? You reflect his character. Instead of demanding an answer, you decide to trust him, recognizing that your circumstances provide an unparalleled opportunity to glorify God just by your trust in his unseen purpose. Trusting God when the miracle does not come, when the urgent prayer gets no answer, when there is only darkness--this is the kind of faith God values perhaps most of all. This is the kind of faith that can be developed and displayed only in the midst of difficult circumstances. This is the kind of faith that cannot be shaken because it is the result of having been shaken." 

I believe we should all ask ourselves "for what purpose?" and don't think it matters if we are suffering or just living a "normal" life. As a Christian, we should be allowing God to work in our lives and seek to bring glory and honor to Him in everything we do and say. My focus had turned inward and I was having a one-woman pity party. God wasn't silent, I was the one not listening, but instead was focusing on all the stuff that seems so wrong. 
So on this anniversary of a tragic event in our lives, I want to thank God for how much healing has occurred in Mike's body, thank and praise God for how He has carried us through these 3 years, thank Him for the support and love from our families and friends, trust Him for our future, and give God all the glory for sustaining and strengthening and keeping us one day at a time. Our God is the one and only Awesome & Holy God and I will continue to trust Him and praise Him - God the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit! 

2 Corinthians 4:16-18
"That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. For our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us an immeasurably great glory that will last forever! So we don't look at the troubles we can see right now; rather, we look forward to what we have not yet seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever." 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


2 Corinthians 3:18 (NIV)
"18 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate (or reflect) the Lord’s glory, 
are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, 
which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."

Tonight was the last night of The Holiness of God by R. C. Sproul Bible Study at our church. What a fantastic study! Our God is not just Holy, He is Holy, Holy, Holy and calls us to be holy as He is holy. I have had increased stress in my life the last few weeks, but tonight God brought much joy, blessing, and peace from the study of His word in the company of others. I was again challenged to pursue holiness with diligence and perseverance. Three key ways to pursue holy living are: 

1. Scripture - reading, meditating, and memorizing the Word of God
2. Prayer - sometimes for many days & with fasting and at other times with a breath
3. Personal choice - God is there, it's my choice to turn to Him or away from Him.

He wants to transform our lives to reflect Jesus and has given us the tools to do it. The choice is ours. Our Holy, Holy, Holy God is worthy of our all. He gives joy that no-thing can take away. It's even hard for me to understand the lightness and inner peace that I feel right now, because from a worldly perspective it makes no sense due to my circumstances. I'm thankful I don't have to understand it, but get to experience it just the same. I hope it is true for you also.

Isaiah 6:3
"And they were calling to one another: 
'Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty;
the whole earth is full of His glory.'"

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Christ Is Risen Indeed!

Matthew 28:6a
"He is not here; He has risen, just as He said."

We had a wonderful Easter! How about you? Absolutely no problems whatsoever. With Hugh as chauffeur, we picked Mike up, stopped at home so he could change into "church" clothes then enjoyed the Resurrection day service with our Grace UMC family. When the service was over, Mike made a beeline out the door and to the car. I asked if he was in a hurry and he said "No, I don't remember people's names."

Mike read the paper while Mom and I fixed dinner. He was mostly quiet unless he wanted something or was asked a question. After stuffing ourselves at dinner, we took a short walk then made phone calls to our boys and Mike's family. He was able to talk to just about everyone. Just before talking with Caleb, I had told him we would need to leave soon to go back to CSH. After he talked with Caleb for a few minutes, he handed me the phone, said "You talk to him." and proceeded out the door to the car. Sorry Caleb - short conversation, but I praise God there were no issues at all! 

I really hope we can get him into a less-restrictive home/facility soon. He just seemed really good to me today. A little slow, but calm and mostly clear cognitively. He started out with the "no, no, no" but it soon stopped after getting in the car and never reappeared the rest of the time together. He told me that he was reading a book about anger and he was sorry he had hit me. Wow! He remembers! I don't know if he remembers the incident or remembers being told what happened. Either way, that was good. He spoke out loud a couple of times in church which was fine, then for a while he gently rocked back and forth and either rubbed his head or eyes - maybe just sleepy and trying to stay awake. A couple of weeks ago, I had bought him a couple more pair of gym pants, but he was adamant that he was not taking them to the "center" cause they would just disappear. (I've rarely ever seen him in pants that I've taken to CSH, so I quit taking clothes down there.) He did let me pack him some shorts and t-shirts to take. It was a really great time with Mike and I am greatly encouraged. I am so thankful for your thoughts and prayers. They were answered.

I want to give a shout-out to my brother, Hugh. Hugh works long, hard, and many days on the farm, has always been a great, big brother to me, put up with me as a kid and even let me tag along on a date with him & Tracey every now and then. He doesn't complain, isn't showy, just goes about doing whatever he can for whomever he can in his quiet way. When I called Hugh to say I wanted to bring Mike home for Easter and was looking for someone, preferably a guy to go with me, he never hesitated and immediately said "You've found your man." I always enjoy spending time with him so that was an added bonus today. Thank you, Hugh. I love you.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Day Pass

It has been a stressful week. I will fill you in on that another day. Suffice it to say, I have felt like that "almost crushed" automobile. (See yesterday's blog post.) On a brighter note, I really wanted Mike to be able to be with us for Easter, so earlier this week I requested a day pass from CSH. It was granted and Hugh and I will pick Mike up around 9:00 AM and have him returned by 4:30 PM.

I covet your prayers that it will be a pleasant and joyous time together. This will be the first time he has come back to the farm since that rough day in August 2014. I'm not concerned about the coming, it's the leaving to go back to CSH that could get messy. However, I'm going to hope for the best and try to make his day a great one.

Happy Resurrection Day tomorrow, everyone!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Don't forget Good Friday

"We may feel like junked automobiles in a metal compactor, 
but Christ stands as a shield to prevent the pressure that comes upon us 
from crushing us entirely. To suffer without Christ is to risk being
totally and completely crushed."

"Our Savior was a suffering Savior. He went before us into the uncharted land of agony and death. He went where no man is called to go. His Father gave Him a cup to drink that 
will never touch our lips. God will not ask us to endure anything comparable 
to the distress Christ took on Himself. Wherever God calls us to go, 
whatever He summons us to endure, will fall far short of what Jesus experienced."
R.C. Sproul - Surprised by Suffering

Jesus was crushed on Good Friday, so that you and I will not be crushed by the pressures bearing down on us. He is our shield of protection. Palm Sunday and Easter are exciting, joyful, beautiful times, but we must not forget the horrific, bloody, painful scene of Good Friday. Easter has no meaning, if Good Friday never happened. 

Dr. Charles Stanley reminds us of Jesus' great sacrifice:
"The Israelites had the continual reminder of the cost of sin. But today, having never experienced the slaughter of thousands of animals, we often take our salvation lightly, not realizing what it required. The flogging and crucifixion of Christ was a bloody, messy scene. The horror of it should move us to tears of sorrow and gratitude for what He did to buy our salvation. Without the shedding of His blood, we’d be bound for hell and eternal separation from God."

If you have not repented of the wrong in your life and believed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, God's perfect lamb and only Son, do it today. Then you will experience the true joy, victory and triumph of Easter as you come under His forgiveness and covering. 

I Peter 2:24
"He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed."

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A visit with Mike

Hi, everyone, 
At Jennifer's request, Vivian and I (two of Jennifer's sisters), are writing a guest blog after visiting with Mike yesterday afternoon.  Jennifer had done a great job of preparing us, so we took food, which she said is an ice-breaker in any case, and especially helpful if Mike is uncertain of who you are or has otherwise decided he might not be interested in visiting with you! We had cookies Mom had made, yogurt, and juice, which he promptly sat down and ate.  After that, we played UNO, with Mike telling us the rules (and sometimes ignoring them when it was to his advantage!  :>))   By the time the game was over, it was time for dinner, so we left.  
Mike was very calm, and asked Mom how her day had been soon after we got there.  He was very quiet, answering questions, but mostly concentrating on the card game.  As we were preparing to leave, he asked if he could give us all a hug, and asked Mom to tell Dad "Hello".   It was a very sweet, touching moment.
Vivian and I had talked about being unsure of what to expect, and a bit nervous about the prospect of visiting Mike without Jennifer along, but the whole visit went well, and we were glad that we went.   Even though we don't know what Mike thought about us being there, it was a chance to let him know we were thinking about him, praying for him, and care for him.  If you get a chance, we'd encourage you to go see him, too! The facility is very easy to find, Jennifer will give you exact directions and ideas as to how to make the visit a smooth, enjoyable one. It is also a short trip from Blackstone.  It means a lot to Mike and Jennifer to be remembered, and you will receive a blessing!